10 Ways to Boost Your Sex Life
Sex is one of the most important components in a healthy relationship whether we’d like to believe so or not. Having GOOD sex on a regular basis is good for the mind, body and ultimately your relationship. When you’re having an orgasm on the regular, you release feel-good endorphins that set your mood for the rest of your day. In this post, I’m going to be listing ten ways to boost your sex life.
1. Exercise
While intercourse itself is a great form of exercise, being a bit more in shape helps you to last longer and enjoy it more without going out of breath easily. Excercise will surely boost your sex life.
2. Experiment
Depending on your level of openness, this can range from incorporating food to introducing toys, to having a third join in. Whatever level you are at with your partner, experimenting brings in a more playful factor that allows you to, again, enjoy the sex you are having.
3. Communicate
This one seems simple enough, right? If there is no communication between you and your partner, how will you know what the other likes and dislikes? Don’t be afraid to have a conversation before, after, or even during the act. Sex should not feel like a chore.
4. Be spontaneous
If you’ve been scheduling your naughty time with your partner, after a while, it will seem like a job. It will become monotonous and boring and that is the last thing you want. Surprise him with a quickie before work. Start the foreplay early with long lingering kisses and soft touches during and after date night.
5. Try something new
Whether that be a new position, new lingerie, a different “grooming” technique. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, especially if this is someone that you love.
6. Watch porn!
This may seem like a no-brainer for some, but for those of you who are unaware, watching other people go at it, can be quite the turn-on. Especially when played in the background to your own session.
7. Change your diet
Okay, I’m not telling you fast or go on a weight loss program, but drinking more water, less red meats and just eating a little bit cleaner will make you taste, AND smell, so much better! And we already know how important tasting and smelling good is.
8. Go Outside
This doesn’t necessarily mean in a parking lot or a creepy alleyway. It could be on your couch in the living room, in your kitchen with the fridge open, in the backseat of your car at the drive-in. This also ties us back to number four, be spontaneous. Just step outside of your bedroom and go from there.
9. Send sexy messages
This could mean voice notes, texts, pictures, DMs. Let your partner know that you want them and that you’re excited to have them all over you and for you to be all over them. There is no greater feeling in the world than to be wanted. Okay maybe there is, but hey.
Throughout this entire post, it was the one thing I tried to resonate with you. No matter what happens, have fun. If someone falls, farts, or any other seemingly embarrassing thing happens, laugh it off and start kissing. Kissing is like the reset button, a good kiss can fix any of life’s problems. If you’re not having fun, then what’s the point of even having sex?
If you’ve tried any of these tips, if you plan on trying any of these tips, or if you have a few tips of your own, sound off in the comment section below. I’d love to hear what you have to say.
Lori is a beauty and lifestyle blogger over at www.TheFourFiveFour.com Follow her on Instagram @kissyfvce